ACT Meters
01744 886660
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1986 - 2025 ACT Meters - 39 years

"In 1986 when Halley's comet last appeared, ACT Meters was borne after an invention by David Grant of the world's first radio-linked digital multimeter enabling remote circuit testing by one engineer. 30 years on, the family owned business has grown to become famous worldwide for its innovative test equipment and battery testers. When Halley's comet reappears in 2061, who knows what star ACT products will have been invented!"

David Grant. Designer, Inventor and Founder of A C T Meters Ltd


 Original Checkmate Tester - Model CT5 



David Grant demonstrates how to use the Checkmate Tester on a Rolls Royce aircraft engine at Dan Air


The venerable ACT/470 - The classic ACT Battery Tester 

ACT / RED-IBT The original Intelligent Battery Tester, winner of SIA Product Achievement Award, New York